Bryan Dunleavy


Bryan Dunleavy

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Acrylic on Canvas 60x80 cm
Salvador was an early capital of Brazil and the main part of the city is built high on a cliff above the sea. All the buildings are colourfully painted.
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Street Art
Acrylic on Canvas 60x60 cm.
On a street in Salvador, an artist had hung his paintings on a railing. The woman passing by is largely oblivious to the art.
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This used to be a tiny coastal fishing village without any services. It is not very big today but in 1964 Brigitte Bardot retreated here to escape press attention and many have since followed.
Acrylic on canvas 80 x 40 cm
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Little known perhaps, Alberto Santos-Dumont (1873-1932) was an early aviation pioneer. He first experimented with balloons and airships before successfully flying a winged aircraft in 1906. He was a national hero in Brazil. He tried to retreat from the public spotlight and became something of a recluse. This is his house at Petropolis, inland from Rio di Janiero. It is a small house built on the side of a steep hill. I have exaggerated the steepness of the roof to reflect the quirkiness of the dwelling.
Acrylic on Canvas 80 x 30cm.